I have this habit when I write. Just to keep myself honest, I start every day by writing down the current word count. The goal is to add 1,000 more before knocking off for the day. That's about three double-spaced pages.

I tiptoe into the manuscript, cleaning up the previous day's work to remind me where I left off. Hemingway was a big fan of not thinking about a project between the end of one day and beginning of the next, believing the subconscious would sort out any issues.

I believe this to be true.



It has been a week, my people.

The moment I realized things were getting under my skin came on Thursday evening, as I tried to park for the Springsteen show at the Forum. I went to the wrong entrance and was instructed to turn around and go back down the street to an entirely different lot. Traffic was coming from both directions. I had no choice but to make a very illegal u-turn.



The hunt has gone on for months.

Even in the middle of writing a book, the search for the next topic stalks me. In the morning as I plan the day, in those odd moments of down time, even at night, as Calene and I binge streamers (lately: Slow Horses, Reacher, Murder at the End of the World, a complete re-watch of Band of Brothers), and even as I follow the amazing travels of Cole Brauer (@ColeBrauerOceanRacing on Insta), the question of what to write next looks over my shoulder.



Unlike my friend Dan, I am perpetually underdressed. I try. Sort of. But it seems I'm always a jacket and pair of dress shoes short. As my wife told me last night after we attended a party here in New York, I tend to look like I just left track practice. Dan, on the other hand, is always pressed and shined, no matter the occasion.



I just finished writing two books at the same time. . . . The motivation was to hit the deadlines but the caveat was that the quality couldn't suffer. By the time both books were delivered a few months ago, I thought my head would explode. In a strange way, metaphorically speaking, it did.



It's been awhile since I wrote in this space, so I thought I'd pass along a little update over what I've been doing this past year. Last spring, just as Covid was beginning to look like a long term issue, I began working on the first book of my own in ten years. The title is TAKING PARIS. It's about World War II. I love it.



I can't imagine a better demonstration of civil liberty than police allowing demonstrators armed with loaded automatic weapons to rally on the capitol steps in an attempt to intimidate legislators. Any other country on earth would throw them in a gulag, level their homes, and salt the earth. Ironically, they are demonstrating over their lack of civil liberties.